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Louis Beaumont (@louis030195) πŸ€”

Carbon-based intelligence πŸ’.

🌊 My memory stream

Here is a list of Louis brain diet & outputs:

πŸ‘‹ Favourite daily quotes from readwise.io/@louis

Founder Market Fit Summary: It's what you work on nights and weekends. Like it's the thing that's just inherent. And one of the things we get to deal with is we get to deal with these very extreme people who have this kind of obsession about all kinds of fields of technology, including ones that you might not think would draw people who are enthusiasts, but nevertheless do. Transcript: Speaker 1 It's what you work on nights and weekends. Like it's the thing that's just inherent. And one of the things we get to deal with is we get to deal with these very extreme people who have this kind of obsession about all kinds of fields of technology, including ones that you Might not think would draw people who are enthusiasts, but nevertheless do.

Marc Andreessen on Elon Musk, Good Startup Ideas, How to Have the Courage to Think Independently and Finding a Co-Founder

The Aarthi and Sriram Show

World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation.

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Gold laboureth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field.

Clason, George Samuel

The richest man in Babylon

🧠 Recent entropy generated by my brain

ℹ️ some of my latest thoughts, written in obsidian.md notes

πŸ“š Books Louis is reading

✍ Recent book reviews

Anything that align with your interest? Let’s have a 15-30 min remote coffee: