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(@louis030195) πŸ€”

carbon-based intelligence πŸ’. high without drugs

🌊 My memory stream

Here is a list of Louis brain diet & outputs:

πŸ‘‹ Favourite daily quotes from readwise.io/@louis

Genes are the primary policy-makers; brains are the executives. But as brains became more highly developed, they took over more and more of the actual policy decisions, using tricks like learning and simulation in doing so. The logical conclusion to this trend, not yet reached in any species, would be for the genes to give the survival machine a single overall policy instruction: do whatever you think best to keep us alive.

The Selfish Gene

Richard Dawkins

We close this chapter with a few summarizing lines. One may be risk loving yet completely averse to ruin. The central asymmetry of life is: In a strategy that entails ruin, benefits never offset risks of ruin. Further: Ruin and other changes in condition are different animals. Every single risk you take adds up to reduce your life expectancy. Finally: Rationality is avoidance of systemic ruin.


[email protected]

The best companies are almost always mission oriented.

Tren Griffin - A Dozen Lessons for Entrepreneurs

2017, Columbia University Press

🧠 Recent entropy generated by my brain

ℹ️ some of my latest thoughts, written in obsidian.md notes

no brain dump from louis today 😭

πŸ“š Books Louis is reading

✍ Recent book reviews

Anything that align with your interest? Let’s have a 15-30 min remote coffee: